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HeadStart Showcase

We were presented this idea from HeadStart, a Greater Louisville program to get preschool kids a solid base for learning.  Some of the HeadStart locations have gardens and all of the locations offer ‘Nature Play’. 

 I’d like a small group of people to help with this program on Saturday, March 9th, from 11:00-3:00, Location TBD.

 I’ll put together all of the materials that the Table will need, and deliver and set up.  Because I have a Library Talk on the same day, I’ll need someone to be responsible for gathering all remaining materials and returning them to me, or arrange a time when I could pick them up from you.

Talk to parents and kids in underserved areas regarding gardening. We plan to have paper cups, soil, and sunflower seeds available for kids to plant. Coloring pages too.

 Please go to the Sign Up Genius if you are interested in helping.
Thank you in advance for your help.