Master Gardener Training
The Jefferson County Cooperative Extension office and Jefferson County Master Gardener Association (JCMGA) are delighted to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2019 Jefferson County Master Gardener Certification Program. Please read the information below to help you decide if the program is right for you.
The total fee is $175 including a $20 background check fee. The fee covers the cost of classes and labs, written materials, your Master Gardener certificate and ID badge.
A background check is required. The $20 fee is payable at the time of application.
The classes will begin on March 27th and continue for 10 weeks through June 5th. Most classes will be on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm. You will be required to attend all classes unless you have received prior approval from the instructor to miss due to circumstances beyond your control.
You will be required to attend the two labs. Labs may be held at various sites within the community and may be scheduled on Saturdays. There will be a third optional lab.
Classes will be held at the Louisville Nature Center located at 3745 Illinois Avenue, Louisville, KY. 40213. A schedule, which is subject to change dependent upon venue availability, will be available to view at the information session(s).
Upon completion of all classroom studies and labs, you will be required to pass a final exam. At that time, you will become a Master Gardener Intern for a period of one year. During this year, you will be required to complete 40 hours of volunteer work in the community.
Every year thereafter, Master Gardeners must complete at least 20 hours on JCMGA approved projects and complete 10 hours of continuing education to maintain their certification.
The primary purpose of the JCMGA is to serve the community and spread knowledge of good gardening practices. Volunteer hours are essential to our mission. Master Gardener certification cannot be used to advertise your expertise for promoting personal business ventures. Only those committed to continued service should apply. We educate the public, so the willingness to present topics to groups is needed. The only qualification for being admitted to the program is that you have a fondness for nature and an eagerness to learn. The Association offers you the opportunity to attend educational meetings and workshops, work alongside knowledgeable gardeners, and learn from their years of valuable hands-on experience.
Info Sessions are being held at the Louisville Nature Center on Monday, March 4 and Thursday, March 7 from 6:00-7:00pm. Please visit our Eventbrite page to register for one of the sessions:
We thank you for your interest and regret that, due to limited resources, we can only accept 50 candidates. We look forward to a fun and educational season with those of you who are chosen.
Stephen Lewis, Extension Agent - Horticulture
Jefferson County Master Gardener Association Board