Sensory Garden at the Louisville Nature Center
Sensory Garden 2
From Master Gardeners Janie Kanzler and Marsha Flores. The Sensory Garden is located in front of the Louisville Nature Center at 3745 Illinois Ave, Louisville, KY 40213.
Janie Kanzler: The Sensory Garden at the Louisville Nature Center (LNC) has been put to bed for the winter. There was a lot of activity there again this year. Our MG volunteers, along with some LNC volunteers, kept the garden in shape for the many visitors who came by to see what was growing, and to enjoy the many varieties of native and non-native plants.
The garden is used for many educational outings with school children. Some of the MG educational events were the gardening programs with the clients from Dreams with Wings and Day Spring. These programs are always so much fun for the volunteers as well as the clients. There was also a “Backyards for Butterflies” presentation that was enjoyed by all ages. Live Monarch butterflies were released in the Sensory Garden and a presentation of the many plants that they and other butterflies need for existence was discussed. The garden is used by many folks who live in the neighborhood, out of town visitors, Boy and Girl Scouts, and many other groups.
This year several bought a memorial brick that was placed in the Memorial Round in the garden. A sun dial was donated by a LNC board member, a kiosk was built & installed by LNC volunteers, and a peace pole was painted and installed by MGs. Many plants were added including 3 Pawpaw trees, several varieties of native grasses, 3 butterfly bushes, alliums, and more.
The Sensory Garden Group is looking forward to 2016 and all the many joys that the Sensory Garden brings to everyone who visits!
Marsha Flores: LNC is a unique learning lab here in the city. The Sensory Garden at the LNC is a gorgeous and peaceful place and has been a haven for me. For years, Janie Kanzler has encouraged me to become a MG, and I can't think of a better fit than having the new MG classes held at LNC and then having the hands-on experience at the Sensory Garden!
When I started my MG class last February, the pond was icy and the garden covered in snow! Once awakened, we shared the life cycle space with beautiful butterflies, birds, bees, a variety of big and little critters, and an abundance of varied plant material!
Janie Kanzler and Linda Guss have been great mentors. They have always been there to answer questions and give me guidance. Gary Michael has been there to add his energy and knowledge as well. I have met such wonderful and super knowledgeable people and have experienced so much first-hand learning.
The raised annual bed was planted with the help of Dreams with Wings clients and MGs. The raised vegetable bed was planted with the help of Day Spring clients and MGs. The Backyards for Butterflies program with the Monarch butterfly release was an awesome event at LNC and Sensory Garden with MGs, Gary, Janie, and MG interns, Sally Cramer, Kris Burke and myself! It has been great working with MGs and MG interns and the volunteers since March 2015. Many thanks to Kathy Morris, MG and LNC Director, who has encouraged and applauded our efforts, has helped with our projects and secured volunteers! I am really looking forward to next spring!
LNC Sensory Garden
Sensory Garden